Bernadette Brockman: A Military Dependent Student's Journey in Music and Leadership

Portrait photo of Bernadette Brockman
Visiting professor standing at podium delivering a lecture at the Montesquieu Forum about Directions in Hitchcock’s North by Northwest.
Montesquieu Forum Explores Imagery in Alfred Hitchcock’s North by Northwest
Eight honors student pose for a photo in the Sullivan room, wearing business attire and name tags.
Roosevelt Honors Students Hone Debate Skills and Prepare for Visit to Springfield
Two students wearing Roosevelt labcoats working in a classroom lab
Roosevelt Receives Grant to Expand STEM Education Access

Faculty Experts

Ƶ faculty members are available to provide expert commentary and analysis on a broad range of topics. 

Marjorie Jolles
Associate Provost for Faculty Development Assessment & Honors
Contact Me...
  • 312-341-6592
philosophy; women's and gender studies
David Faris
Asoc Prof Political Science
Contact Me...
  • 312-322-7152
U.S. elections , Comparative electoral systems , American foreign policy in the Middle East
Melissa Hogan
Dean, College of Science, Health & Pharmacy, and Associate Provost Schaumburg
Contact Me...
  • 847-330-4503

RU In the Media

Associate Professor of Political Science David Faris Discusses Recent FBI Nominations in Op-Ed for Newsweek
Executive Director of the Marshall Bennett Institute of Real Estate Collete English Dixon Cited in Article about Commercial Real Estate
Chicago College of Performing Arts Alumna Argentina Durán Featured as Guest Soloist in Performance with The Bellas Artes Chamber Orchestra

Media Inquiries

Contact the Office of Marketing & Public Relations. PR professionals at the University handle all media inquiries, including requests for interviews, speaking engagement and subject matter experts.